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Showing posts from December, 2014


Today is a very special day for me.  Yes it is my birthday and all birthdays are special, however this birthday marks a very important milestone in my life. Eighteen years ago I came to Canada at the age of eighteen. Today is the day when I spent an equal amount of time back home in Poland and in Canada.  It is a day of reflection and celebration. I spent a lot of time trying to analyze what this day means to me.  I even started writing this blog post more than two months in advance as I knew that the process would take a long time. I went through historic moments, changes, achievements and my feelings of the past thirty six years. Born in December 1978 in Warsaw, Poland and I was from the beginning a part of changes that were happening around me, even if I was too young to understand.  I was born shortly after John Paul II became pope, which started an avalanche of changes in Poland.  I turned three years old just a day after martial law was announced and when tanks rolled onto