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Showing posts from July, 2017

Venice - Mississauga Festival Choir Europe Tour 2017

First stop Venice.  This city of 118 islands. It feels like every inch of the land and the lagoon reclaimed space needed to be utilized to the fullest. Narrow water passages and even narrower walkways creates the unique atmosphere of Venice. Probably the only place on earth were bus is a boat, police is traveling by boat, and even ambulance is a boat. One of the things to notice about Venice, is the absence of trees and greenery.  Besides the numerous balcony gardens, there are no parks we were able to see in Venice.  The town is flooded numerous times during the year and any green space turned to swamp or a mud puddle.   Fun fact: The ground floor of all the buildings do not hold any living space. Fun Fact: At any given day, there are more tourists in the city than there are residents. A lot of the people that work in Venice come each morning from the mainland.  The requirement to transfer all the goods from mainland to Venice, is also raising the prices of goods and