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Showing posts from December, 2018

War on Christmas

What is Christmas? Exerts from Wiki: The celebratory customs associated in various countries with Christmas have a mix of   pre-Christian , Christian, and   secular   themes and origins.   Christmas  is an annual  festival  commemorating  the birth  of  Jesus Christ ,observed primarily on December 25 ... Popular modern customs of the holiday include  gift giving , completing an  Advent calendar  or  Advent wreath ,  Christmas music  and  caroling , lighting a  Christingle , viewing a  Nativity play , an exchange of  Christmas cards ,  church services , a  special meal , pulling  Christmas crackers  and the display of various  Christmas decorations , including  Christmas trees ,  Christmas lights ,  nativity scenes ,  garlands ,  wreaths ,  mistletoe , and  holly .  So let's think.. Gift giving - Not forbidden Advent Calendar - I just seen it in the store (the chocolate one) not forbidden. Christmas Music - Please stop for crying out loud, but not  forbidden Caro