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Showing posts from September, 2015

Rumor has it...

I wanted to put my down my thoughts and observations on why I think the emigrant crisis in Europe is not going to get better anytime soon. First put yourself in the position of an emigrant.  You started as a refugee from a war torn country as you run to a nearby country for safety.  You had a life back home and you had to leave everything to save your life.  You were placed in a refugee camp close to the border with hundreds of thousands people just like you, two years ago.  In the last two years nothing changed in your life.  The same routine, nothing to do, life without meaning, just existence.   You recently heard that there are people running away from the camp towards Europe, and those that reached Germany got money to live on, accommodation and ability to look for work.  The smugglers can get you on the boat, but the journey is risky.  After some time and weighting the options you decide to go, better to take the chance than sit here and do nothing. So the emigrants pay the s