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Go South

Before the summer ends there is always the nostalgia about the warm weather and sun.  One then feels about going south.  Some people go to Cuba or Bahamas to feel the heat when the nights are getting longer. This trip was about going to a Southern most part of Canada.

First stop - Pelee Point.  The southern most point of mainland Canada extending into the lake Erie.

We drove first all the way to the visitors center and enjoyed a picnic lunch. Then we set off walking from there to the tip.
On the way we were passed by people riding bikes, but also a shuttles that were going back and forth between the visitors center and the entrance to the tip.
When we got there we found that there were lots of people visiting the tip, and also it does not matter how many messages there are about strong currents the people still need to step in the water with kids and all.

From there we walked back to the car and drove up to the marsh where a boardwalk took us between the cattails for some quiet time.

After that we went for dinner and retired for the night watching bats flying around in the dark.

Next day we stopped at the the Wheatley Provincial Park and enjoyed the morning of just walking on the beach and enjoying the sun and the breeze.

The we headed for one of the biggest surprises of this trip... The ferry.  On the way grabbed sandwiches to go and took the place in line for the ferry.

After seeing the land disappear, the island was just there.

Once on the island we found that due to the end of season everything is closed.  We ended up eating at the West Dock Tavern as choices were thin.  It is a very scruffy looking place, but I have to admit that they have the best burgers and fries on the island.

Before retiring for the night, we enjoyed a nice sunset on the water.

And we even had a chance to see the last ferry passing by. 

It was also hard not to notice the hummingbirds everywhere on the island. Can you find him?

In the morning after a nice breakfast we first went for a walk on the north end of the island, the Lighthouse Point Provincial Park where we got surrounded by the sanderlings.

They did not fear human as long as one does not make any sudden movements.

When heading back to the car we noticed the ducks.

For lunch we did a Pelee Island winery tour.  The tour ended with a candle light tasting in the cellars of the winery due to a power failure. 
Then we enjoyed BBQ your own lunch at the winery patio and took a driving tour around the island and met some other residents...

Monarch Butterflies:

Carpenter Bees:

Turkeys with family:




And many more butterfly species....

Ended the day with a local perch fish dinner at the Anchor and Wheel Inn and another beautiful sunset.

The following day we took off to see the southern most part of the island, and the southern most people occupied part of Canada.  (Canada recently bought an island from US in 1999, and now it is used as a nature reserve).

First we were greeted by a snake that was enjoying the warmth of the morning sun.

Then the vultures (probably looking for that snake)

And birds, birds everywhere... seagulls, geese and cormorants

The day was too hot so we decided to find another way of spending rest of the day at the winery, arts and crafts store.  Spending the day even in the shade of the beach was impossible.

On the last day we got back onto the ferry.  We noticed a big track and were able to see from the top how the car loading was progressing.


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